September 02, 2021
Discussion: The Spider Farmer SF7000 LEDs and ECO Farm V3 600W SAMSUNG LM301H Quantum Board incorporate very similar designs and compete with one another directly. While many of the specifications are very similar there are a few which vary significantly.
Of particular importance are the brand and quality of LED diodes used by each model. The Spider Farmer utilizes Seoul White, Blue, and Red diodes which are of high quality and made in South Korea, and have very impressive PAR efficiencies equal to (2.58 umols/J). The ECO Farm utilizes Samsung brand Samsung LM301H+CREE 660+LG UV+CREE, which have very impressive PAR efficiencies equal to (3.03umols/J). The Samsung LM301H is claimed to have the world’s best PAR efficiency, so the ECO Farm fixture is more likely to stand the test of time. The Spider Farmer has a couple of advantages over the ECO Farm including the ability to control dimmability of up to 15 fixtures daisy-chained together. Also appears to have the ability to be mounted closer to the crop’s canopy without affecting PAR distribution as significantly.
The spectrums produced by the Spider Farmers and ECO Farm LED lights between 380–780nm are shown in the first graphic below, along with the absorption spectrums for chlorophyll and carotenoids:
Spider Farmer SF7000 LEDs
ECO Farm V3 600W SAMSUNG LM301H Quantum Board
Improper use of UV IR may have a negative effect on your plant.
Proper use of UV IR-containing luminaires to ensure your plants grow better and get more trichome density and THC content.
The role of UV: Increasing the THC content of plants, only be used in the last two weeks of the flowering stage, and if be used at other times in the plants, may have a negative effect on plants.
The role of IR: Increasing the number of flowers, only be used in the early flowering period and stopped once buds begin to appear. This requires the IR and UV must be individually controlled.
The Spider Farmer LED light data was sourced from the supplier and claims to be collected using a 5’ x 5’ grow area and height of 22”:
Spider Farmer SF7000 PAR Chart
The ECO Farm LED light data was sourced from the supplier and claims to be collected using a 4’ x 4’ grow area and height of 28”,24",32":
The ECO Farm V3 600W SAMSUNG LM301H Quantum Board is a more ideal selection when it comes to cost since the fixture is 12.5% cheaper.
September 03, 2021