June 08, 2023
If you’re new to indoor gardening and shopping for LED grow lights seems overwhelmed with all the features and ratings posted by manufacturers, don’t worry! Manufacturers of LED grow lights often publish a litany of features and ratings, which can be confusing for beginners to indoor growing. There are a few key things you need to look for that will make your choice easier. With a little knowledge, you’ll be able to narrow down your options and find the perfect LED grow light for your setup.
To grasp the light needs of plants, we must first understand “What is the role of light in plant life?”
First, understand that plants rely on light energy to produce the nutrients they need. In the presence of light, they carry out photosynthesis, using water and oxygen to produce food in the form of carbohydrates. They then use this energy to grow, flower, produce seeds and perform their usual functions.
The right indoor grow lights do more than just provide your plants with the light they need. Three light elements that affect plant growth:
Light Amount: The number of hours the plant gets sunlight.
Light Intensity: Light intensity ranges from bright sun to full shade and
Spectrum: Warm and cool tones in the spectrum.
ECO Farm Z6–600 Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light
The PPE of the ECO Farm LED grow light is 2.7umol/J and the PPF is 1752umol/s, providing a high yield for light-loving plants. Energy saving and low heat compared to other types of grow lights. This is a LED grow light with 6 strips design, the light size expands to 4*4 feet. This will confirm evenly distributed coverage throughout the canopy, including the plant edges. Everbright coverage can reach 4*4~5*5 feet. The full spectrum is ideal for most light-loving plant seedlings, vegetation and the entire growth stage of flowering. IP65 waterproof horticultural lighting system can be used in humid or water vapour environments, easy to use, plug and play.
Hyphotonflux SMART-670W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light
Hyphotonflux LED Grow Light has a complete full spectrum of indoor plants from seeding to flowering, including white 6500k, deep red 660nm, uva 385nm, far red 730nm. SMART-670 built-in top compartment SAMSUNG & SEOUL diodes. It achieves an unrivaled efficacy of 3.03 μmol/J (UV off) and 2.69 μmol/J (UV on). The HYPHOTONFLUX SMART-670 is designed in a larger size (43.86"x43.66") to provide better PPFD coverage on 5'x5' flower grows and 6'x6' vegetable grows. Flexible 180°folding design, plug and play.
If you only grow a few houseplants, you may not even notice a difference in your electricity bill once you start using grow lights. But if you have a lot of plants or an indoor jungle like me :) then you can find ways to reduce your expenses.
Reduce the energy you consume by switching to more efficient, longer-lasting LED grow lights. A U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) report examining the energy-saving potential of LED lighting in horticultural applications found that LED grow lights can reduce electricity consumption by 24% to 30% compared to traditional lighting technologies. If you used incandescent lights, you can save money by switching to LED lights now.
Switch to a more affordable electric company. If there is more than one electricity provider in your country/state, check which one is more affordable and make a change.
Keep your grow lights on during the cheapest time of the day. If this possibility is available in your state/company, use grow lights during times of the day when prices are lower.
Reduce the number of hours your grow lights are on. Whether the new leaves are getting bigger or smaller, whether there are more or fewer windows. The reduced time will most likely be fine if the leaves continue to grow larger and open more windows. Your electricity bills will drop.
Use available natural light if possible. If the weather is sunny and your plants are near a window, you probably don’t need grow lights. In that case, turn them off, even if only for a few hours. You can even set them to turn off and on automatically using one of the timers.
Based on our reviews, we think the best grow lights are LED lighting. LED grow lights use artificial light to provide optimal plant growth.
October 20, 2023