February 01, 2023
You already know when your houseplants need water, and you pay close attention to temperature, ventilation, and humidity levels. However, it could just be that no matter how many windows you have, you just don’t get perfect light in certain months. It could also be that you place the plant in an environment that needs a little help from light. Whatever the reason, it’s important to invest in LED grow lights, which can also help you save energy.
You want a happy home that includes happy plants and an electric bill that doesn’t make you want to tear it up, crump it up and throw it in the trash! The good news is you have a few different options. Below, we highlight some of our picks for LED grow lights that can help you grow your plants and help you save energy. We showcase different styles at different price points to give you options that you can use.
The first advantage of LED grow lights is their efficiency. Their high efficiency reduces energy bills and brings long-term benefits.
Little to no heat is generated because most of the energy is converted to light energy. Temperature regulation is easier and does no harm to the plants.
The brightness of the LEDs can be controlled and adjusted according to the growth stage of the plants. In addition, the correct spectrum can be selected to ensure optimal growth.
LED grow lights are durable. While the upfront costs are high, these are cost-effective in the long run. Depending on quality, they can last 50,000 hours or more.
They are suitable for almost any indoor farm, no matter the size. These lights can even be used on home/garage farms. They are very compact in size and easy to handle and place.
ECO Farm DBL5000 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 480W
With 1296 pcs SAMSUNG LM281B diodes, ECO Farm Led grow lights draw 480 watts achieving an impressive PPE of 2.5 umol/J, coverage for 4'x4′ of high-yielding full-cycle growth. with a smaller footprint for better crop quality, more cost-effective. 4x4ft for personal grow, 3x3ft for commercial grow. Built-in removable bars interval & disability enable the exact dynamic PPFD control over each of plant growing stages. Easy dimming & daisy chain max up to 15 lights, IP65 Waterproof, master light easily controlled, making it a high-performance commercial grow light for enormous yields. Also perfectly suit full-cycle hydroponic, soil, grow tent/room growing.
Fluence SPYDR 2i 33" LED Grow Light
The Fluence LED grow light is designed for multi-layer cultivation — from vegetable to flowering — with a PPF of up to 1,250 µmol/s for the 2i 33". SPYDR 2i is a high performance toplighting solution for commercial horticultural cultivation. Designed for growers Pushing the limits with high PPFD cultivation practices. Not suitable for growing without supplemental CO2. With an upgraded form factor, the SPYDR 2 series is a plug-and-play solution that works out of the box for faster installation. All SPYDR models can be dimmed with our light intensity dimmers for precise control of PPFD , and provides flexibility to instantly adapt to new crop requirements with different light.
This GrowPros grow light, with an increased lifespan over traditional grow light sources, cultivates healthier, happier plants. The HM480 Series produces 1.8 gram per watts (dried) of crop yield. A high-PPFD and PAR indicates high efficacy, or light output produced per expenditure of unit of power. Generating about 50% more in energy savings over traditional HID and HPS light sources, the HM480 gives you meaningful savings over time. Will not produce the same results without CO2 supplementation. A full-spectrum LED rack lighting solution designed for commercial indoor and greenhouse applications, enabling control over the plant cycle from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage.
The size and construction of your greenhouse will determine what kind of grow lights you need. Small personal greenhouses require different greenhouse lights than larger commercial greenhouses.
For example, commercial greenhouses need to grow lights that can withstand the wet, harsh conditions that are primarily found in commercial environments.
Since plants need PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) light, you should choose grow lights with the right wavelength. PAR light is between 400 and 700nm.
Electrical Efficiency
You should always determine the efficiency of a product before making a purchase. This will ensure you get maximum results without costing you an arm and a leg. Find grow lights that are efficient and low energy consumption.
Plants require a certain level of heat below or above which can be harmful to the plant. This means you should always choose a grow light that offers ideal heat dissipation. Some lights produce too much heat, while others produce too little.
With the simple and easy way to grow plants indoors using grow lights, you can get started and decide if you like doing it. It can take some time to master indoor gardening and get used to its nuances compared to outdoor gardening. However, once you start gardening, it can be a rewarding reward for your love of gardening. It’s nice to take a change of pace from worrying about bugs or the weather.