April 12, 2022
If you are setting up a new facility for your plants growing business, it is essential to make the most of your available floor space for your grow room and your dry room. Efficient space management and usage of appropriate drying rack systems improve efficiency and increase your yield.
Making a fresh batch of usable plants takes more than one step: growing, harvesting, drying, and curing. Drying your plants takes away the moisture from the yield to prevent it from developing that disgusting mold or mildew.
There are two main ways to dry your plants: hanging your plants upside down or using a drying rack. You are essentially organizing the way your harvest is going to be placed in order for it to dry. Hang Drying your plants can be a direct method of drying while using drying racks evens out the drying.
Dispensaries that are trying to save a buck on their drying process own hang-drying rooms as the cost-effective choice. Those who can afford it use plants racks for them to use space effectively. Drying racks lessen the risk of moldy plants compared to hang-drying. Additionally, they lessen the chance of contamination by other elements. That is also why commercial businesses prefer them. Smaller stores might not have the same funds to afford the structures that drying racks come in.
We don’t usually give much thought to why produce, herbs, and meats spoil. However rest assured, plants cultivators think about it all the time. And the answer is simply this: the Earth recycles everything. The nutrients and elements you use to fertilize your plants are absorbed and assimilated as your plants grow and eventually flower.
When your plants die, nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and Carbon are all reclaimed by the Earth through a process called “decomposition.” Decomposition (or decay) occurs when microorganisms work together using oxygen and water to break down organic material into simpler forms. These microorganisms include:
Eventually, excess nutrients not used by the microorganisms for reproduction are reintroduced into the soil. And this is a good thing. Decay creates a never-ending cycle of natural composting in the environment, making valuable nutrients available for the next life cycle of vegetation and wildlife.
Decay or decomposition is nature’s way of composting all organic matter. Microorganisms break-down foods using the water and nutrients found inside them.
The decay of plants works exactly the same. And preventing nature’s attempt to compost your crop too quickly is especially critical to farmers, who use nearly every part of the plant to generate revenue. The good news is, you can mitigate mold and prevent “bud rot” (the decay of your buds) using plants drying trays.
Our 8-layer, Hauswiser Mesh Drying Rack is designed by real-life farmers for the farmer in you. Contrasting-colored zippers separating each layer make getting to your herbs quick and simple. Each layer is 8 inches tall, with a 24-inch diameter giving you the functional freedom to lay those herbs on thick. Wide-area, breathable, polyester mesh layers provide the perfect ventilation for quick drying. The heavy-duty, resistant top material and mesh layers keep those unwanted, multi legged invaders out and your herbs intact. The practical material itself is perfect for drying plants.
WeDryer S1 (30 Cm Diameter) — Full herb dryer
Let your herbs dry perfectly once and for all! No odor means you can hang it anywhere. With Wedryer, you don’t have to worry about mold or the stress of achieving the perfect level of hydration. We know that checking in all the time can be exhausting. WEDRYER knows how to maintain a consistent, long-lasting and constant airflow throughout the drying process — nothing more. We guess you can enjoy something that will make your life easier, but at the same time maintain the quality of a lab drying system, allowing you to get more essential oils and provide the best results in 7 days.
Mastering plants dehydration will make or break your cultivation business. Properly drying plants increases your strain’s cannabinoid potency, which translates to higher sale prices. Efficient drying also sets your buds up for highly successful curing, greatly extending your flower’s shelf life and improving its aromas. In addition, drying your plants will:
Halt the growth of mold and prevent “bud rot”
Preserve cannabinoids and terpenes
Increase potency and aroma
The potential for dehydrating plants is uncontested. However, failure to dry your plants properly can have the opposite effect, leading to contaminated flower or terpene burn-off.
Properly Drying Plants to Prevent Mold
Finding any trace of mold in your plants crop is discouraging at best. And after being very careful to prevent mold during your plant’s vegetative and flowering cycles, the last thing you want is to find that mold has latched onto your flower during the drying process.
Fungus in the form of mold and yeast can single-handedly contaminate and ruin your entire harvest if left unchecked. It’s no wonder cultivators go to great lengths to reduce their bud’s exposure to any microorganisms while managing the climate in their drying room.
Plants with mold and bud rot
Once mold sets in at the stem, it will quickly consume the bud, resulting in bud rot. When mold is visible on the flower, the entire plant is at risk and should be closely inspected for further signs of contamination. You should consider isolating infected plants.
Although mold can survive with little to no water, mold requires moisture to reproduce. The trick is to reduce your bud’s exposure to contaminants such as mold while you use plants drying trays to reduce the water content within the plant material. However, if you dry your flower too quickly, terpenes and lower cannabinoids will evaporate.
However, drying your plants buds too slowly will give mold the time and conditions it needs to reproduce and thrive. This has resulted in many plants cultivators using faster drying methods, even if it means burning off some of the terpenes. The loss of a little aroma is preferable to the total loss of valuable product.
Cannabinoid and Terpene Preservation
The terpenes that give your plants strain its unique aroma have lower boiling points than most cannabinoids. This makes it much easier to inadvertently lose terpenes to evaporation during the drying process. Drying your buds at a slow, steady rate helps prevent “terpene burn off.”
As you dry your flower, the trichome walls become more sturdy and less permeable. As the trichomes dry, the buds become less sticky and easier to handle. This also protects the bud’s resin and preserves the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids inside.
Preserving your plant’s terpenes also allows patients to experience the full-spectrum benefits unavailable in isolates or synthetic THC compounds. When terpenes and cannabinoids interact together within the endocannabinoid system, patients experience “The Entourage Effect.” So carefully drying your plants helps ensure adult users and patients glean all the positive effects your flower has to offer.
Increasing Potency and Aroma
Just as dehydrating fruit concentrates its sugars, drying buds and flower concentrates the cannabinoids and terpenes stored within the trichomes. When drying your flower, two processes take place to increase your bud’s potency.
Freshly Trimmed Plants Isn’t Dead Yet
Drying wet trim on plant drying trays allows the chemical reactions taking place within the plant's glands to continue because fresh trim remains alive during the early stages of drying. This does not occur if you use a commercial dehydrator or oven immediately after trimming.
Allowing the enzymes within the trichomes (such as THCA synthase) to continue converting CBGA into THCA for as long as possible, helps increase cannabinoid concentration. And every little bit helps improve the profitability of your final product.
Cannabinoid Concentration By Weight
Removing excess moisture greatly reduces the water weight of each bud, which increases cannabinoid concentration by weight. There are farmers that believe when small pieces of the stem “snap” as you bend them, the plant material is dry enough to cure. However, commercial and large-scale plants cultivators should use moisture analyzers that use the precise weight of your flower to determine its relative humidity.
Whether you are using a commercial moisture analyzer, or the “stem-snap” method, your buds are ready to cure when their water content is around 14%. When your buds are curing, they will continue to dry down to about 10–12%. Keep in mind, using a moisture analyzer will prove more reliable and allow you to maintain a scientifically repeatable drying processes.
It’s important to note that a little moisture enhances your customer’s experience. If your flower drops below 10% moisture content, it will likely result in a harsher smoking or vaping experience as is often associated with old plants.
The small amount of water locked inside the trichomes is needed to stabilize and preserve the cannabinoids and terpenes. And don’t forget that your revenue is calculated by how much product you sell by weight. Over-drying doesn’t just burn off cannabinoids and terpenes, it cuts directly into your sales.
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Avoiding mold, fungus, and bud rot through efficient drying is important — and we’re here to help.
June 27, 2024
When choosing Best LED Grow Lights, you should also consider the durability of the lamp, energy efficiency and whether it can meet the light needs of specific plants. For example, the LED plant growth lights provided by Philips Lighting are designed for specific crops to promote uniform growth and improve quality and yield.
June 20, 2024
June 15, 2024
On Amazon, hot growth light types include LED Growing Lights, which have a variety of functions and features such as automatic on/off timing, red and blue LED light combinations, multiple dimmable modes, and flexibility for indoor potted plants or indoor gardens.