October 18, 2021
Many first time growers don’t know how to trim cannabis plants once they’ve harvested them. With this article, we want to explain to you how to trim your weed plant.
First, you need to remove all the leaves until the buds are clean, which is the part of the plant that contains the most THC.
The leaves and stems also have THC in them but they don’t taste nice. You can use the smaller leaves to make extracts if you want.
The leaves on the cannabis plant are like their lungs. It’s where they receive the necessary light for the photosynthetic process, which is why there’s so much chlorophyll in that part of the plant. Chlorophyll is like blood for the plant and it gives buds that leafy green aroma and taste when they are fresh.
You can use the leftover trimmings to make BHO or other extracts. The only parts of the plant that we can’t make anything of are the roots.
When we talk about the trim, we’re referring to the leaves that are intentionally pruned from the plant during a harvest. It shouldn’t be confused with a shake, which includes the loose leaves and stems that fall off naturally.
Shake is high in THC and other cannabinoids, while trim tends to have much lower cannabinoid content. For this reason, many growers simply discard their trim assuming that it has no value. However, when you realize all the things that can be done with those discarded leaves, you may think twice about tossing them aside.
Sugar Leaves vs Fan Leaves
Cannabis trim actually refers to two different types of leaves: sugar leaves and fan leaves.
Sugar leaves are the small leaves that grow out of the buds.
Fan leaves are the larger leaves that protrude from the branches.
If you’re hoping to turn your trim into a psychoactive product, fan leaves are virtually worthless. There are fewer trichomes and therefore fewer cannabinoids and terpenes. When making concentrates and other preparations, you want to focus on the smaller sugar leaves. These contain heavily concentrated trichomes, so they’re much better for various extractions.
The GreenBroz Model M Dry Trimmer is designed to closely mimic the act of hand trimming your harvest while at the same time increasing the consistency and efficiency of your harvest process. While the Model M is primarily designed to be gentle, quiet, and extremely easy to clean, the 8–12 pounds per hour capacity allows you to trim your flower as quick as anyone in the game. The sealed motor combined with the removable HMI digital user interface makes this machine completely washdown ready, ensuring cleanliness compliance anywhere in the world, now, and for years to come. The patented blade design, featuring surgical grade stainless steel, allows for the gentle rolling of the flower maintaining the natural curves and integrity of your product.
The Diamond Edge Dry Trimmer was designed with the cusomer in mind and is manufactured with quality stainless steel, anodized aluminum and durable hardware built to exacting standards. The three brush assembly design gently tumbles each batch of untrimmed buds while maintaining it in constant 100% contact with the level cutting surface. This action combines with the unique diamond edge disk rotation equaling 9400 scissor-like cuts per minute. With extreme efficiency and in an incredibly short time, the resulting final product is the quality you expect. Not only are the buds near hand trim quality, but the trimmed leaf is near processor ready as well. Trims 2 lbs in 2–5 minutes at 9–13% moisture content. Finished quality rivals scissor-cut trim.
There are various trimmer models available. In this post, we are going to talk about two specific types. Some of them work by removing branches from the plants and putting them through a mesh with blades. Other types remove everything except for the buds and leaves. You introduce the buds into the machine and the leaves are removed and separated from the buds. Both of these ways are extremely comfortable, although the second type of trimmer is more popular as it’s cleaner.
The Leaf Cutter trimmer is the most efficient one in my opinion. You place the buds on a sort of mesh with some spinning straps above them. The clean buds are left on top of the mesh and the blades make sure leaves fall to the bottom. Now, all you have to do is hang your buds in a dark and dry place or you can use a drying sock.
Just like with the scissor method, you can also get a sneak peek at the resin from your buds. You’ll need to scrape the edge of the turning straps with a plastic card and you’ll get some nice hash. You can repeat the same process with the leaves container.
Temperature: The trimming room should be kept as cool as staff will allow, as any additional heat during the process will negatively affect your harvest. Trichomes, the resin glands of the pot plants that contain THC and CBD, can become sticky in warmer temperatures, which increases their risk of being damaged or falling off — especially if human hands are involved, as hands add heat to the plant. Cooler temperatures prevent this stickiness during the trimming process to preserve the plant’s value. Additionally, the temperature of the trimming room can be controlled through our wet trimming process which uses automated water misters to provide an additional layer of protection to the flower.
Time: Optimal settings mean less time in the trimmer. In our single-piece flow trimmer systems, 45–60 seconds is the maximum amount of time that a flower spends in the tumbler, a setting that can be controlled through the Twister Trimmers’ adjustability. The machine angle, tumbler speed, blade speed, and vacuum suction all play different roles depending on the cultivar. Tools like the Twister Trim Saver help to optimize cannabinoid potency by removing the trim before the impeller to keep cannabinoids intact.
Moisture Content: Drying techniques play a significant role in potency and quality and work closely with trimming to preserve quality and potency. While our machines can support both wet and dry bud trimming methods, we recommend that for dry trimming, the flower is run through the system at a 10–12% moisture content level to the flowers’ resiliency to endure the trimming process. While moisture content is less important for wet trimming, which is when the flower has been harvested, bucked, and run through the system fully hydrated, resulting in moisture content of around 80%, ensuring you have a cold and dry room will make cleaning the machine much easier.
Machine trimming is surpassing hand trimming, allowing cannabis producers to maximize their cannabis throughput, while preserving potency and quality more efficiently, safely, and consistently than ever before. But, whether you opt for hand trimming or machine trimming, here are some final cannabinoid considerations. Save your trim; many cultivators continue to dispose of high potency leaf trim reducing their final output. And remember, everything can’t be fixed post-harvest; the best trimming processes can’t course-correct for leafy flower or low cannabinoid genetics.
In conclusion, whether you use an indoor marijuana setup or external cultivation, a good bud trimmer will help you with lots of issues. But if you were in a dilemma, I think now you can choose your best marijuana trimmer machine according to your requirements. Remember, a trimmer machine is not only an ordinary device but also an investment. Happy planting!
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